Legal aid group warns of sharp rise in child sexual abuse

07 January 2021
Legal aid group warns of sharp rise in child sexual abuse

According to a statement from the Legal Aid Group, the number of child molestation in Myanmar rose sharply in Yangon and Mandalay, followed by Rakhine and Mon states in 2020.

According to Legal Clinic Myanmar, 124 rape cases were reported in 2020, of which 115 were child rapes. Of the 92 cases in which their group was asked for help in 2019, 50 cases were child sexual abuse.

"It also shows that child rape in Myanmar is on the rise", said Daw Hla Hla Yi, director of the Legal Clinic Myanmar. "Most of the rapists are close to their families, and cases of strangers are very rare, child sexual abuse is on the rise every year", she said.

The President has signed a bill amending the death penalty for child sex offenders to life imprisonment.