U.S. VP condemns repression in Myanmar

U.S. VP condemns repression in Myanmar
US Vice President Kamala Harris takes part in a roundtable at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore before departing for Vietnam on the second leg of her Asia trip, August 24, 2021. Photo: AFP

The vice president of the United States condemned on Tuesday the “violent repression” of Myanmar’s military and urged Indo-Pacific nations to join the US in its “effort” to restore democracy in the country, EFE reported.

During a speech in Singapore, Kamala Harris said “the United States remains deeply alarmed by the military coup.”

“We condemn the campaign of violent repression and we are committed to supporting the people there as they work to return their nation to the path of democracy. And we do hope that nations throughout the Indo-Pacific will join us in that effort,” said the vice president, who will travel later Tuesday to Vietnam as part of her tour of Southeast Asia.