Spring Revolution Daily News for 30 November 2022

30 November 2022
Spring Revolution Daily News for 30 November 2022
Photo: CJ

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • After the 76th government meeting of the NUG, the Director Ko Pauk showed his movie ‘The Road Not Taken’ to the attendees.
  • The Acting President stated that it was every member of the NUG’s responsibility to connect and balance local and international strength.
  • In Winyay Township in Duplaya District under the Karen National Union (KNU), the military junta has allowed the transportation of only 20 bags of rice to Lutshan Village every month. Consequently, local people are suffering hardships.
  • The NUG Minister of Human Rights claimed that since the military coup on 1 February 2021, Myanmar had faced human rights violations of all types, yet at the same time honorable protectors of human rights had emerged all over the country.

Revolutionary Activities

  • In Kalay Township in Sagaing Region, an alliance of local PDFs attacked the junta army at Yarzagyo Divergent Point on 26 November. Reportedly, three junta soldiers died.
  • In Khin-U Township, the junta armed forces burnt five local villages, including 307 houses and the school donated by H.E. Cardinal Charles Bo. Reportedly, they also killed seven local people.
  • In Shwebo Township, the junta army set fire to Nyaungbintha Village on Tuesday morning.
  • In Shwebo Township, PDFs attacked a military car on the way from Hladaw Village to Shwebo. Reportedly, three junta soldiers died.
  • On their 628th day of protest, a combined rally from Salingyi and Yinmabin, together with farmers, marched against the military dictatorship on Tuesday morning.
  • In Kantbalu Township, the junta armed forces set fire to four villages. Reportedly, 862 houses, schools and religious buildings were burnt down and five local people were killed.
  • In Wetlet Township, tens of thousands of local people from 15 villages have had to run away as the junta armed forces have been invading the area.
  • In Yebyu Township in Tanintharyi Region, Thein Aung, allegedly a junta spy using a motorbike with GPS, was shot dead in Yalaing Village.
  • In Pauk Township in Magwe Region, PDFs attacked the junta army coming from the Zeepya Army Camp. Reportedly, two junta soldiers died and eight others were injured. After that, the junta army burnt 96 houses in three local villages.
  • In Matupi in Chin State, a man lost his life and his wife was seriously injured as they stepped on a junta army mine on the way to their farm.
  • In Dawei Township, the junta army arrested four people, including a supervisor of the district fire brigade, in recent days.
  • In Kanbauk Area in Yebyu Township, there was an event in memory of those who had lost their lives in the junta’s crackdown on the Dawei General Strike, on Monday night.
  • In a trial on Monday, the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Su Kyi claimed that it was irrational to charge her with corruption in the case of the hiring and procuring of helicopters for natural disasters.

Ethnic Armed Organisations

  • In Bawlake Township in Karenni State, an alliance of local defence forces used snipers to shoot at the junta army camp in Tuchaung Village. Reportedly, a junta soldier died and two others were seriously injured.
  • A spokesperson from the Arakan Army confirmed that they had detained U Kyaw Zaw Oo, a spokesperson of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) led by Dr. Aye Maung.

The Military Council

  • According to the Political Prisoners’ Network, U Myint Maung, the former Tanintharyi Regional Chief Minister, faces two more charges, in addition to his 11-year imprisonment.
  • According to the junta Ministry of Labor, it has been arranging for a national committee to set a minimum wage rate.
  • The chair of the junta Yangon Regional Monks’ Organisation stated that local monasteries were to accept overnight guests only after contacting local authorities as there were cases of theft and robbery.
  • The junta Minister of Electricity said that most townships in Yangon Region could access partial power supply at the moment and the same would be true for the coming summer.
  • The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that despite various hardships, the junta has managed to improve the national economy to some extent.

Summary on 30 November

  • In some areas of Sagaing Region, local people have constantly protested against the military dictatorship since the coup. However, there have been very few protests in recent days as the junta armed forces burnt local villages. The same was true in urban areas.
  • Even in the current situation, the public cannot enjoy full access to electricity. According to the junta’s statement, it might get even worse in the summer.