Spring Revolution Daily News for 22 September 2022 

22 September 2022
Spring Revolution Daily News for 22 September 2022 

The National Unity Government (NUG) 

  • In a weekly speech, the NUG Union Minister of Defence said that PDFs were to be cautious during their military operations and not to harm the public, their property and businesses unrelated to the military junta. 
  • The NUG Union Minister of Defence said that the NUG and PDFs were the public’s government and the public’s military. He also stated that they were now able to establish their administration in the areas under their influence while fighting against the military junta. 
  • According to the End of Dictatorship, the NUG Ministry of Finance, Planning and Investment- will launch Spring Mandalay Investment to sell three housing projects on land confiscated by the military junta. 
  • Mindat Township Public Administration announced that the junta army had carried out an aerial bombing with fighter jets in an area where there was no fighting in Chin State on Tuesday evening. 

Revolutionary Activities 

  • In Bahan Township in Yangon Region, the Yangon Revolution Force - YRF (Soft Strike Community) hung an anti-junta banner on Wednesday morning. 
  • In Thaketa Township, the administrator of Ward (4/North), allegedly a junta informer, was shot dead in a local tea-shop on Tuesday night by Soul Takers, a Yangon Underground Force.
  • In Kayan Township, there was an attack with 40mm grenade on the junta administration office at 1:40 pm on Tuesday. 
  • In Thanlyin Township, a local PDF conducted an attack with a powerful bomb on the junta traffic police camp on Wednesday morning. 
  • In Eastern Dagon Township, there was a grenade attack on two military cars on patrol near the administration office in Ward (133) on Tuesday morning. Reportedly, no less than five junta soldiers were injured. 
  • In Mingaladone Township, Generation-Y Guerrilla group attacked the gate of the junta army Regiment (106) at 5:32 pm on Monday. 
  • On Tuesday, a combination of three students’ unions distributed a revolutionary newsletter- ‘The Ordinary’ free of charge all over Yangon. 
  • According to reliable prison sources, Thaw Zin Htike, a prison officer at Insein Prison, summoned four political prisoners and beat them in his office as they had been sleeping while prayers were being said. 
  • In Myaung Township in Sagaing Region, an alliance of local PDFs attacked the junta army stationing in Kyaukyit Village at about 9:00 pm on Monday. Reportedly, six junta soldiers died. 
  • In Indaw Township, local PDFs attacked the junta army on Monday morning. Reportedly, eight junta soldiers died and many others were injured. 
  • In Taze Township, there was fighting between local PDFs and the junta army setting fire to Gwaygone Village on Tuesday evening.
  • Reportedly, there were casualties among the junta soldiers. As for the PDFs, they lost a member. 
  • On the Monywa to Mandalay Road, there was an attack with a variety of mines on junta soldiers in a car carrying fish at 3:00 pm on Tuesday. Reportedly, there were casualties. 
  • On their 592nd day of protest, the Kalay General Strike marched for the end of the military dictatorship on Wednesday. They also expressed their desire for the United Nations to keep Myanmar’s Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun. 
  • On Wednesday, a combined rally of villages from Salingyi and Yinmabin marched for the end of the military dictatorship. 
  • According to Kalay District PDF on Wednesday, one of their leaders lost his life in while fighting against the junta army in Tamu. 
  • Based in Sagaing Region, the Sayar San PDF managed to produce a hand-made sniper gun that can fire bullets up to of 300 meters. 
  • In Wetlet Township, a local PDF announced that they have managed to produce long-range projectiles. 
  • In Salingyi Township, the junta army shot dead two men, including a farmer, for no apparent reason on Sunday. 
  • In Taze Township, the junta armed forces set fire to three villages on Tuesday. Reportedly, local people had to run away. 
  • On Wednesday, a rally of anti-junta monks conducted a movement, holding signs calling for the uprooting of the military dictatorship. 
  • In Mandalay Region, a rally of Pyigyi Dagun Township protested against the military dictatorship on Wednesday morning, holding signs saying,  ‘You, the junta army, killed little children as well?” 
  • On Wednesday, the Mandalay Monks’ Union led an anti-junta movement, reciting Parittas. 
  • In Sintkaing Township, a Pyu Saw Htee leader was shot dead on Tuesday morning. 
  • In Sintku Township, local guerrillas warned the junta administrator of Yonebinchat Village to stop his gambling shop. 
  • According to the junta propaganda media, some people in NLD shirts protested against the NUG, CRPH and PDFs in Mandalay on Wednesday. 
  • In Pakkoku Township in Magwe Region, military officer Aung Tun was caught alive with important documents and a drone on Tuesday. However, he was shot dead as he tried to fight back. 
  • In Kyauktagar in Bago Region, there was a bomb explosion along with gunfire in town on Tuesday night. Reportedly, two Pyu Saw Htee members and a junta soldier died. 
  • In Nattalin Township, the junta army forced local villagers to join them. 
  • In Demoso Township in Karenni State, a medical member of PDF Brigade (K) was killed when she stepped on mines set by the junta army. Reportedly, her uncle was seriously injured. 
  • In Kachin State, students from community-based schools conducted a demonstration in class to express their disapproval of the inhumane activities of the junta army against little children. 
  • On Tuesday, CDM soldiers released a statement strongly condemning the junta army for their war crimes targeting civilians and children. 
  • On Tuesday, the General Strike Coordination Body (GSCB) strongly condemned the junta’s attack on a school in Let Yet Kone Village which killed 13 children. 
  • At a school on the Thai-Myanmar border, a teacher named Ko Tha Htet Zaw led a protest condemning the junta’s air strike on a school in Dibeyin Township. 
  • On Wednesday, the Canadian Embassy strongly condemned all Myanmar Army attacks including the one in which young students were killed. 
  • On Tuesday, the Secretary General of the United Nations strongly condemned the junta army for its attack on a school in Let Yet Kone Village in Dibeyin Township, where junta soldiers killed no less than 13 people, including 11 children. 
  • On Tuesday, the Japanese Ministry of Defence announced that it would no longer accept military officers and captains from the Myanmar Army in its military courses after the execution of four democracy activists in July. 

Ethnic Armed Organisations 

  • In Kawkareik Township in Kayin State, a combined force of KNLA Brigade (18) and SOG attacked the junta’s Kyaik camp on Tuesday and took control of it within 17 minutes. According to the KNU, weapons were confiscated. 
  • In a statement for International Peace Day on Wednesday, the Karen National Union (KNU) called for an effort to build peace in the union and end the extremely ethnocentric and nationalist dictatorship. 
  • In Mutraw District under KNU Brigade (5), there was fighting between local armed forces and the junta armed forces for three consecutive days. Reportedly, nine junta soldiers and BGF members died. 
  • In Maingnaung Township in Shan South, there was a clash between two Shan EAOs; the SSPP/SSA and the RCSS on Wednesday morning. 
  • In Moemait Township in Shan North, there were ongoing battles between the junta army and SSPP/SSA until Tuesday evening. 
  • In a press conference on Monday, the Arakan Army (AA) called on international organisations to provide emergency assistance to over 60,000 displaced people in Rakhine State. 
  • On Wednesday morning, a local CDF attacked the gate of the junta army at the entrance to Mindat in Chin State. Reportedly, there may have been many junta casualties.

The Military Council 

  • On Tuesday, the second junta leader Soe Win said that they must carry out the activities to sustain ethnic customs and arts. 
  • In the press conference on Tuesday, the junta propaganda leader Zaw Min Tun admitted that the junta army had conducted an air strike on Letyatgone Village in Dibeyin Township in Sagaing Region. 
  • The junta spokesperson said that they would carry out a small nuclear power plant within the following year. 
  • The junta propaganda leader said that the imported fuel oil from Russia would be mainly for public transportation.
  • Until 16 September, the junta Ministry of Natural Resources and Mining sold gold coins weighing 455.75 ticals. 
  • According to the junta propaganda leader, over 1300 people; those charged with Section 505, CDM staff and PDF members, contacted them. 
  • In the trial on Tuesday, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Su Kyi denied the accusation of bribery by the businessman U Mg Wait. 
  • The junta Education Minister said that starting from the upcoming academic year, 50 agricultural, livestock and industrial high schools would be opened in 50 districts. 
  • According to the junta POEA, South Korean employment tests will start being held from the end of September. 
  • According to UNOCHA, the military junta told organisations on 15 September to stop humanitarian assistance in six townships in Rakhine State. 
  • On Tuesday, the junta Rakhine State Government warned some local business people not to support the Arakan Army (AA). 

Summary on 22 September 

  • The military junta admitted that it conducted an air strike on Let Yet Kone Village in Dibeyin Township in Sagaing Region. However, they tried to blame local PDFs for the casualties of children at the school. In other words, they tried to cover up their atrocities with fake news. 
  • In Mandalay, some people upretending to be NLD members protested against the NUG, CRPH and PDFs on Wednesday. In reality, NLD members have been detained by the junta.