French Chamber of Commerce launches the 2nd edition of the Myanmar Salary Survey

23 January 2019
French Chamber of Commerce launches the 2nd edition of the Myanmar Salary Survey

CCI France Myanmar has just released online their second Myanmar Salary Survey, according to a press release. 

As the previous one, run in 2018, this survey is 100% anonymous, no information being collected on the companies who answer to the questionnaire. “Even our team doesn’t have access to individual answers, which are anonymous anyway”, explains Mr. Guillaume Rebiere, Executive Director of CCI France Myanmar. “We are only interested in big data, and we will only gather, analyse, and publish collective general data on sectors and positions. Which is why the more companies will participate in this study, the more accurate, reliable and representative the information will be”.

This survey is also available for free, since the results of the survey will be published on CCI France Myanmar’s website for anyone to download free of charge. “Which is why”, Mr. Rebiere continues, “by taking this survey and supporting us, companies are actually helping themselves, since they will have free access to valuable data regarding the level of salaries in their sectors. This is something unique in Myanmar, where business intelligence is scare and/or expensive”.

The Myanmar Salary Survey will be conducted every month, in order to continuously provide up‐to‐date information to companies and to their employees. It is part of the free services that the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce provide to support the sustainable development of companies in Myanmar.

The first survey, which was launched in June 2018, and published in August 2018, gathered answers from 243 companies from all sectors operating in Myanmar. The target for this second edition is to receive at least 500 participations.

The survey can be found on the following website: